
How to Create a GitHub Repo

Github is a code hosting platform. That allows you and others to work on projects from anywhere in the world.

Ilda Rodriguez


  • GitHub 2.16.7
  • Git Bash
  • Text Editor(Visual Studio Code
  • Operating System(In my case-Windows
Github is a Git repository hosting service. Git is a command line tool. Github provides access control, collaboration features and time management tools. Digital directories or storage space called Repositories can be created. Either individually or used as a team to build a project. People can create private or public repositories. The Repo’s as they are also referred to can be forked. Which makes a copy of a repo. They can be cloned, which takes that copy locally to your computer. You can access it in the Git bash Terminal. Any changes done to your repo or a forked repo can be pushed to be merged with the master branch. And everyone will have the most recent updates once they do a Git pull. These last steps of git push and git pull are all done in Git. We will leave that for another blog. For now we will review how to create a repo, fork and clone it to your local computer.

Steps: 1.Create a Repository: Go to Open your github account. You can press the Start a Project button or go to the top right of the header click the + tab and choose a New repository. This will take you to Create a new repository page. You will see your username as owner and next to it you will name your project. Next you decide if you want it to be private or public. And if you would like to add a ReadMe. Which is an added text box at the bottom of your files where you can explain what the project is and how or what you used to build the code. Then click on Create repository button.

2.Clone: Once you are in your repository. There is a clone or download button. Click and copy the url. This you take to your git bash terminal and paste it. So you can have a copy of this repository locally in your computer.

3.Fork: If you would like to collaborate or use someone else's repository you can fork. This will make and add a copy of that repository to your account. Then you click and clone. Copy the url and take it to git bash terminal so you can paste it and have a copy locally.

This is a small overview of what Github is. And the basic steps to get you started with creating a repository in Github. If you would like to learn more about using Git command line in Git bash.

Use this guide: Adding a File to a Repository Using the Command Line This link: First Contributions helps you get started with your first contributions and will give you the practice needed to learn more about collaborations to others projects.

About the author
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Ilda Rodriguez
Ilda Rodriguez is a Moms Can Code School student who is training to become a front-end developer. Ilda is inspired by art and design to build responsive and easy to use websites. She is a mother of two and lives with her family in Chicago, Illinois.

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